Beatrice Youth Recreation, Inc. was incorporated in 1950.
The emphasis of YRI is to teach the youth of Gage County the fundamentals of softball and baseball, while providing an opportunity to be active and have fun. It also provides children with a chance to get to know other children in their community, gain ball playing skills and learn teamwork.
The YRI Board of Directors is dedicated to making the YRI program the best it can be.
All coaches and directors have been run through the Nebraska Sex Offender Registry to ensure the safety of our youth.
Children in the YRI program will be treated with respect and every effort will be made to keep them safe.
They will have opportunities to learn the basics of their sport.
They will have the opportunity to play ball at every game.
YRI is dedicated to making the game fun. Each player will be assigned to a team and will receive a t-shirt with the sponsor's name on it.
Parents/Guardians, who would like their child(ren) to participate in YRI programs, must complete a registration form and turn it in by the registration deadline date. Due to the rising cost of shirts and supplies the suggested donation amount has been increased to $15.00. A $15.00 donation is requested for each child participating, but is not required. YRI is allocated by Gage County United Way.
Sign-ups are delivered to the local schools, Uhl's and Hibbett Sport during the month of March. We also have sign-ups available at the Indian Creek Mall during the Spring Craft Show in March.
Sign-ups can be turned in during the Spring Craft Show or taken to Hibbett Sports. They can also be dropped off at 1309 Paddock Lane in the blue box on the front porch or mailed to PO Box 462, Beatrice, NE 68310.
We expect coaches and parents to review the rules of the league they are playing in. Please keep an open line of communication with the child's coach. Parents should encourage player to be at all practices and games, or explain the absence to the coach.
Everyone at the YRI fields during games is expected to behave as an exemplary role model in front of the players